Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
While the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod has missions around the world, Our Savior Lutheran Church has a special interest in 3 specific missions:
Luther Classical College in Casper, Wyoming
Lutherans in Africa with the May Family
Support of Wokoma - Africa
Luther Classical College in Casper, Wyoming
Lutherans in Africa with the May Family
Support of Wokoma - Africa

Active Missions
Luther Classical College
This is the education of our fathers. Students at LCC will learn Latin, history, theology, literature, logic, rhetoric, music, geometry, biology, and mathematics, all within a purposefully Christian and Lutheran framework. With a stress on the priority of Christian marriage, family, and piety, and a cultivation of confessional Lutheran theology, liturgy, hymnody, and identity, the chief focus of the college will be the promotion of Christian culture.
Offering an AA and a BA in Classical Liberal Arts, students who attend LCC will be equipped with the knowledge and training to lead Christian lives during and after college. Remaining small, never exceeding 300 undergraduates, LCC will offer its students a high quality education, preparing them for a variety of career paths. Some will go on to become pastors, teachers, and lawyers. Others will take advantage of the trade option that will be offered in cooperation with Casper Community College and go on to become electricians, plumbers, etc. All will receive an education that prepares them to confess Christ in this world, using gifts God has given them to glorify Him and to serve their neighbor in their daily lives.
Visit their site to learn more:
Offering an AA and a BA in Classical Liberal Arts, students who attend LCC will be equipped with the knowledge and training to lead Christian lives during and after college. Remaining small, never exceeding 300 undergraduates, LCC will offer its students a high quality education, preparing them for a variety of career paths. Some will go on to become pastors, teachers, and lawyers. Others will take advantage of the trade option that will be offered in cooperation with Casper Community College and go on to become electricians, plumbers, etc. All will receive an education that prepares them to confess Christ in this world, using gifts God has given them to glorify Him and to serve their neighbor in their daily lives.
Visit their site to learn more:
May Family - Lutherans in Africa
Founded in 2010, Lutherans In Africa (LIA) equips Africans to be teachers of the saving faith in Christ Jesus. This is done through training pastor, evangelists, deaconesses, and Sunday school teachers in the pure doctrine and its instruction, liturgy, and hymnody and through translating key doctrinal resources into African languages.
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, LIA has purchased 15 acres on which they are building an education center. Jason Stephens, an architect from Houston, Texas, designed and supervised the construction of the center.
LIA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. For directed gifts, LIA will make every effort to ensure donations so designated, but if requested programs are oversubscribed funds will be used where needed most.
Our Savior Lutheran has committed to pay for the church building. Please pray that their fund raising efforts may be blessed and their work may be a blessing.
May Family Summer News 2021
Based in Nairobi, Kenya, LIA has purchased 15 acres on which they are building an education center. Jason Stephens, an architect from Houston, Texas, designed and supervised the construction of the center.
LIA is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. For directed gifts, LIA will make every effort to ensure donations so designated, but if requested programs are oversubscribed funds will be used where needed most.
Our Savior Lutheran has committed to pay for the church building. Please pray that their fund raising efforts may be blessed and their work may be a blessing.
May Family Summer News 2021
Pastor Wokoma - Seminary in Nigeria
Pray for Rev. Richard-Wokoma as he serves in Africa. Pray he is protected, not only as he teaches, but also as he travels around Africa preaching and ministering to the villagers and congregations. Pray for his students and their families as they sacrifice to attend his classes. Pray their hearts and minds are open to what Rev. Richard-Wokoma teaches them. Pray that individuals and congregations here in the United States come alongside Rev. Richard-Wokoma to support him financially and prayerfully so that he may continue teaching and serving in Africa. Let us give thanks Rev. Richard-Wokoma is serving in this part of the world.
Wokoma News August 2022
Wokoma News August 2022