Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
A traditional classroom Sunday School for all ages.
Please join us every Sunday morning as we explore God's Word together. Our Savior Lutheran Church's Sunday School program, Enduring Faith, follows a same-age classroom model so students learn and grow in faith alongside their peers. Together, they explore the Bible, draw connections to the Small Catechism, and learn the traditions of the Lutheran Church. Each quarter we will explore a different way in which God's promises through Christ have been given to us.
We look forward to having you worship and study with us.

A Class Just For You...
10:45 AM Youth Classes
Preschool (3 & 4 yrs) – Early Childhood Building, Room B108
Kindergarten – Early Childhood Building, Room B107
1st – 2nd Grades – Classroom Building, Room C115
3rd – 4th Grades – Classroom Building, Room C116
5th Grade – Classroom Building, Room C113
6th Grade - Classroom Building, Room C103
7th – 8th Grades - Classroom Building, Room C105
OSL 4:12 (High School) – 4:12 Lounge (Youth Room, downstairs)
Take the Trolley!
Why walk when you can ride? The Sunday School trolley picks up at the Sanctuary and stops at the Early Childhood and Classroom buildings right after church.
Shekel Store
Tokens are awarded to the students for various activities and merit, which then can be used to buy prizes at the Shekel Store. The Shekel Store is a cart in the gym which is open on the 2nd Sunday of every month, after Sunday School.
Preschool (3 & 4 yrs) – Early Childhood Building, Room B108
Kindergarten – Early Childhood Building, Room B107
1st – 2nd Grades – Classroom Building, Room C115
3rd – 4th Grades – Classroom Building, Room C116
5th Grade – Classroom Building, Room C113
6th Grade - Classroom Building, Room C103
7th – 8th Grades - Classroom Building, Room C105
OSL 4:12 (High School) – 4:12 Lounge (Youth Room, downstairs)
Take the Trolley!
Why walk when you can ride? The Sunday School trolley picks up at the Sanctuary and stops at the Early Childhood and Classroom buildings right after church.
Shekel Store
Tokens are awarded to the students for various activities and merit, which then can be used to buy prizes at the Shekel Store. The Shekel Store is a cart in the gym which is open on the 2nd Sunday of every month, after Sunday School.

The Enduring Faith Bible Curriculum features a Christ-centered, chronological survey of Bible history with uniform outlines across all levels. The materials have been designed to help your child learn the Christian faith in age-appropriate ways, with the goal of helping them grow deeper in their understanding of God’s Word.
We look forward to having you worship and study with us.
We look forward to having you worship and study with us.