Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
1 Timothy 4:12
Welcome to the 4:12
You might be asking yourself what exactly is the 4:12? The 4:12 is the name of the senior youth program here at Our Savior Lutheran Church. It has a look and name that teens can identify with, get excited about, and promote with their friends.

Why the 4:12? The name 4:12 is based upon St. Paul’s words to Timothy in 1 Timothy 4:12 , “Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.”
What do you do as part of the 4:12? We meet every Sunday after service for Bible class and devotions. Every month expect to participate in retreats, special events & parties, service projects, mission trips, and more.
What grade levels are involved in the 4:12? The grade levels involved are 9th-12th. Once a child has completed the summer after their 8th grade year, they officially become part of the 4:12, come to class, and become eligible to go to devotions, retreats, trips, etc., and serve as officers on the 4:12 council. This enables our teens to have 4 years to grow together in the love of Christ, forming bonds that they can carry with them into all aspects of their lives and to mature into the future leader of our congregation here at OSL.
What do you do as part of the 4:12? We meet every Sunday after service for Bible class and devotions. Every month expect to participate in retreats, special events & parties, service projects, mission trips, and more.
What grade levels are involved in the 4:12? The grade levels involved are 9th-12th. Once a child has completed the summer after their 8th grade year, they officially become part of the 4:12, come to class, and become eligible to go to devotions, retreats, trips, etc., and serve as officers on the 4:12 council. This enables our teens to have 4 years to grow together in the love of Christ, forming bonds that they can carry with them into all aspects of their lives and to mature into the future leader of our congregation here at OSL.

Where do you meet? The 4:12 meets in the youth room every Sunday for Bible study and twice a month for planned events on the OSL campus. The youth room serves as our general meeting space as well as our classroom. We wanted our youth to have a place which they are proud of and take ownership of, where they can come together to “pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding” (Rom. 14:19) and to “encourage one another and build one another up” (1 Thess. 5:11).
We meet every Sunday MORNING at 10:45 for Bible Study
Join us for Bible study, ask questions about what you heard in the Church Service, and keep up on upcoming plans for the 4:12 group.

We meet on the FIRST Sunday EVENING at 4:00p.m.
During our afternoons we have a meal, study the Bible, play games, or go out and enjoy an activity. See below for upcoming events.
Our Philosophy
An important part of the Our Savior congregation is its dedication to our youth. OSL is devoted to encouraging young people to become strong Christians and living out their faith in their homes, schools, and communities. To put into simpler terms, our philosophy can be summed up in three words: encourage, equip, establish.

We want to encourage the youth. Every day, young people deal with very serious issues. Whether it is sex, drugs, peer pressure, whatever, it is important for adolescents to know that the church is the place they can turn to for help. We want to encourage them to take refuge in Christ and His church. Also, it is important to encourage the youth to know that they are part of the church right now and they do not have to wait until they are adults to serve. We see in 1 Corinthians 12:12-20 that we are a body made up of many different parts. It is crucial for teenagers to realize that they can worship and serve Christ right now.

We want to equip the youth. We firmly believe that adolescents need to be equipped with the tools of a solid faith, a servant's heart, and a working knowledge of the Bible. These are the things that will serve them their entire lives. We develop a solid faith through devotionals, thought-provoking retreats, and regular worship. We develop a sense of being a servant by helping our neighbor and each other. Finally, we develop a working knowledge of the Bible by spending time in the Word. That is the only true way to know what God really says.

We want to establish the youth. We want to establish the youth on the firm foundation given in faith by the Holy Spirit, to know that Christ is the solid rock on which they stand, all other ground is sinking sand. Because of the many snares and temptations that will be thrown at them by the devil, the world, and their own sinful flesh, it is essential that they have a sense of spiritual integrity founded only in Jesus Christ, and grounded in His Word and Sacraments. This foundation comes from knowing the Bible, having spiritual role models, and maintaining an active worship life so as to receive God’s Means of Grace for the strengthening of their faith on a regular basis.
Overall, we want to interweave the youth into the church while building a relationship with God and thus creating mature, knowledgeable Christians who, when ready, are able and eager to assume leadership roles in their church.
And perhaps most importantly, we believe it is important to support parents in raising their teenagers in Christ. The 4:12 cannot compete with school, the many extracurricular activities, and other things that take up today's teenager's time. So we strive to give both teen and parents the tools, the questions, and the answers that they need to grow in the Lord. All efforts we make, we make as a team toward the common goal: A faithful confessional Lutheran, who will continue their study of God’s Word presented in Holy Scripture and explained through the Small Catechism throughout their life.
And perhaps most importantly, we believe it is important to support parents in raising their teenagers in Christ. The 4:12 cannot compete with school, the many extracurricular activities, and other things that take up today's teenager's time. So we strive to give both teen and parents the tools, the questions, and the answers that they need to grow in the Lord. All efforts we make, we make as a team toward the common goal: A faithful confessional Lutheran, who will continue their study of God’s Word presented in Holy Scripture and explained through the Small Catechism throughout their life.