Come and See!
OSL Nativity

Welcome to OSL’s Nativity!
From its earliest manifestation in 2019, through our two years of being a Drive-Through Nativity, the first push to grow large enough to warrant on-foot visitors in 2022 and beyond, our aim has always been to illustrate the Word of God.
We believe fully that the Holy Spirit works through the Word to work saving faith in the hearts of sinful people. We also believe fully that being connected to that Word, after faith has been planted, is what feeds that faith, that Christian person. Through our dramas and interactive Scripture-based activities here at OSL, our prayer is that people might gain new understanding, insight, and comfort of God’s Word.
Our Nativity reflects this belief, starting with a driving tour of lights, starting in the Garden of Eden where humanity fell into sin, continuing to follow the prophets as God's plan for our salvation unfolds, and then we pause in Bethlehem. Visitors are invited to park, enjoy some music, and then go and experience Bethlehem, an immersive recreation of the night Christ Jesus was born. Finally, after leaving Bethlehem, visitors will continue through the story of Christ's coming, dying, and rising again.
We invite you to Come, and See!
From its earliest manifestation in 2019, through our two years of being a Drive-Through Nativity, the first push to grow large enough to warrant on-foot visitors in 2022 and beyond, our aim has always been to illustrate the Word of God.
We believe fully that the Holy Spirit works through the Word to work saving faith in the hearts of sinful people. We also believe fully that being connected to that Word, after faith has been planted, is what feeds that faith, that Christian person. Through our dramas and interactive Scripture-based activities here at OSL, our prayer is that people might gain new understanding, insight, and comfort of God’s Word.
Our Nativity reflects this belief, starting with a driving tour of lights, starting in the Garden of Eden where humanity fell into sin, continuing to follow the prophets as God's plan for our salvation unfolds, and then we pause in Bethlehem. Visitors are invited to park, enjoy some music, and then go and experience Bethlehem, an immersive recreation of the night Christ Jesus was born. Finally, after leaving Bethlehem, visitors will continue through the story of Christ's coming, dying, and rising again.
We invite you to Come, and See!
Free Downloadable Nativity Scripture Booklet
Free Downloadable copy of the history of Our Savior Lutheran church.
Station Audio
For the next few moments, step away from the hustle and stress that often sneaks into this season, clouding the joy and peace we want to experience. Step now into the story of God’s plan for the salvation of the world, knowing that He beckons, inviting you to share in His story.
Come and see.
For the next few moments, step away from the hustle and stress that often sneaks into this season, clouding the joy and peace we want to experience. Step now into the story of God’s plan for the salvation of the world, knowing that He beckons, inviting you to share in His story.
Come and see.
1. The Garden of Eden
Out of Eden
God created the heavens and the earth, and they were good – very good, perfect, beyond what we can imagine. Life in Eden was perfect harmony with nature, with one another, and with God. But when the Serpent tempted, and Adam and Eve sinned, the sickness of sin and death infected everything that God had created. Even so, God spoke a Word of hope to our first parents: I will send a Savior.
God created the heavens and the earth, and they were good – very good, perfect, beyond what we can imagine. Life in Eden was perfect harmony with nature, with one another, and with God. But when the Serpent tempted, and Adam and Eve sinned, the sickness of sin and death infected everything that God had created. Even so, God spoke a Word of hope to our first parents: I will send a Savior.
2. The Prophets
Messengers of God
God sent His prophets to deliver messages to His people and to guide them in His ways. The call of a prophet was not an easy one, and sometimes the calling God gives to us isn’t easy. Demands on our time and energy can leave us feeling stretched too thin. When we remain connected to His Word, though, He feeds us and strengthens us. Where in your life might this Truth speak strength and perseverance?
God sent His prophets to deliver messages to His people and to guide them in His ways. The call of a prophet was not an easy one, and sometimes the calling God gives to us isn’t easy. Demands on our time and energy can leave us feeling stretched too thin. When we remain connected to His Word, though, He feeds us and strengthens us. Where in your life might this Truth speak strength and perseverance?
3. The Annunciation
Chosen for God’s Purpose
Neither Mary nor Joseph knew what was in store for them when they became betrothed: a virgin conception, a journey to another town, a birth in an animal stall, a Child who was God’s Son. He had a special plan for their lives, just as He has for each of our lives. As His Spirit enabled them to obey His call in faith, He enables the same in us. When circumstances feel discouraging, remember that the same God that led Mary and Joseph also leads you.
Neither Mary nor Joseph knew what was in store for them when they became betrothed: a virgin conception, a journey to another town, a birth in an animal stall, a Child who was God’s Son. He had a special plan for their lives, just as He has for each of our lives. As His Spirit enabled them to obey His call in faith, He enables the same in us. When circumstances feel discouraging, remember that the same God that led Mary and Joseph also leads you.
4. The Wise Men
Scholarly Adventure
Ancient eastern scholars lived separate from society, intent on learning from ancient writings away from the distraction of daily life. These scholars left the seclusion of their study and all that was familiar to venture far for a promise foretold in the ancient texts. What would inspire you to step away from a familiar place of comfort?
Ancient eastern scholars lived separate from society, intent on learning from ancient writings away from the distraction of daily life. These scholars left the seclusion of their study and all that was familiar to venture far for a promise foretold in the ancient texts. What would inspire you to step away from a familiar place of comfort?
5. Shepherds & Angels
Unlikely Witnesses
Here we see shepherds, watching over their flocks. While sheep and goats were integral to the daily life of the Israelites, as well as to their worship, those tasked with caring for the sheep were often looked down on and pushed to the fringes of society. And yet, it was to these that God sent angels - heavenly messengers - to announce the Good News of the Savior's birth. Whenever you feel that you’re on the outside or less-than, remember that Christ reached out to those on the outside, to bring them into His sheep-fold.
Here we see shepherds, watching over their flocks. While sheep and goats were integral to the daily life of the Israelites, as well as to their worship, those tasked with caring for the sheep were often looked down on and pushed to the fringes of society. And yet, it was to these that God sent angels - heavenly messengers - to announce the Good News of the Savior's birth. Whenever you feel that you’re on the outside or less-than, remember that Christ reached out to those on the outside, to bring them into His sheep-fold.
6. The Nativity
A Unique Birth
In the fullness of time, God sent His Son. His plan was in motion from the promise in the Garden of Eden that a descendant of the Woman would crush the Serpent, the Devil. In Christ dwells the fullness of both God and Man. Only One who was perfectly righteous God and completely human Man could accomplish the redemption of the world. In the Messiah, God is with us in an unexpected and astounding way.
In the fullness of time, God sent His Son. His plan was in motion from the promise in the Garden of Eden that a descendant of the Woman would crush the Serpent, the Devil. In Christ dwells the fullness of both God and Man. Only One who was perfectly righteous God and completely human Man could accomplish the redemption of the world. In the Messiah, God is with us in an unexpected and astounding way.
7. From Manger to Cross
Behold the Lamb of God
Here we see John the Baptizer, who taught a baptism of repentance. Jesus was baptized by John not because He needed to repent, but in order to fulfill all righteousness. Called to a life that stood in stark contrast with the religious leaders of his day, John was tasked with preparing the way for the coming Messiah. Called to live in the world but not of it, we join John in proclaiming God’s Kingdom.
Here we see John the Baptizer, who taught a baptism of repentance. Jesus was baptized by John not because He needed to repent, but in order to fulfill all righteousness. Called to a life that stood in stark contrast with the religious leaders of his day, John was tasked with preparing the way for the coming Messiah. Called to live in the world but not of it, we join John in proclaiming God’s Kingdom.
8. The Garden of Gethsemane
The Suffering Servant
Faced with His trial, torture, and death, our Savior still sought to teach His disciples and pour wisdom into their hearts. He knew the time of His death would also be a trial for them. His love reaches farther and plunges deeper than we can ever imagine, even into the shadows and valleys of our own lives. Where in your life is His care most needed? He’s reaching out to you even now.
Faced with His trial, torture, and death, our Savior still sought to teach His disciples and pour wisdom into their hearts. He knew the time of His death would also be a trial for them. His love reaches farther and plunges deeper than we can ever imagine, even into the shadows and valleys of our own lives. Where in your life is His care most needed? He’s reaching out to you even now.
9. The Cross
With His Wounds
While calling the lost and proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God was an important part of Jesus’ ministry on this earth, far more important was His journey to the cross; it was here that He paid the price that God’s justice demanded: innocent life given to deliver the lives of those stained with sin. His death made possible our life.
While calling the lost and proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God was an important part of Jesus’ ministry on this earth, far more important was His journey to the cross; it was here that He paid the price that God’s justice demanded: innocent life given to deliver the lives of those stained with sin. His death made possible our life.
10. The Resurrection
Victory Is Won
The last thing the disciples expected was their Teacher to rise from the dead. But after the price for sin had been paid, God’s righteousness was satisfied, and death could not hold the Son of God. He rose, triumphant over sin, death, and the devil. And His victory is our victory, given to us as His blood covers us and cleanses us of our sin. Praise be to God!
The last thing the disciples expected was their Teacher to rise from the dead. But after the price for sin had been paid, God’s righteousness was satisfied, and death could not hold the Son of God. He rose, triumphant over sin, death, and the devil. And His victory is our victory, given to us as His blood covers us and cleanses us of our sin. Praise be to God!
As you leave.
Go in Peace
Thank you for joining us.
As you leave, take with you the real-life story of God’s plan for your salvation into your Christmas season. Remember His great love and see His story intertwined with your own, bringing the fruit of faith into your life and the lives of all you meet. Go, in His peace.
Thank you for joining us.
As you leave, take with you the real-life story of God’s plan for your salvation into your Christmas season. Remember His great love and see His story intertwined with your own, bringing the fruit of faith into your life and the lives of all you meet. Go, in His peace.