When God Is Just

[Jesus] answered, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." She said, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table."
MATTHEW 15:26-27
When God Is Just
When we do not endure God's judgment and cannot say yes when He considers and judges us to be sinners, then all hostility comes down on us. If the condemned could do it, they would be saved in a moment. We certainly say with our mouths that we are sinners, but when God Himself says this in our hearts, then we no longer stand, and we desperately desire to be godly and regarded as the godly, as long as we would be free from His judgment. But it must be so; if God is to be just in His words [Psalm 51:4] that you are a sinner, then you can make use of the right which God has given to every sinner, namely, the forgiveness of sins. Then you not only eat the crumbs under the table like the dogs, but you also are a child [of God] and have God as your own, just as you want.

From the Church Postil, sermon for Lent 2 on Matthew 15:21-28 (Luther's Works 76:381-82)
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