Spiritual Blessings
In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory.
Eph 1:13–14
Spiritual Blessings
We know that faith comes from hearing. God’s Word attests to this reality. So, we should desire to hear God’s Word continuously. God’s Word is to the soul as air is to the body. We can’t survive without it. St. Paul begins his letter by directing the Ephesians and us away from ourselves, teaching us to trust in God’s promises in Christ. Pride tempts us to trust in our commitment to God; doubt makes us worry that we are not committed enough. Jesus blesses us spiritually by leading us to repent of sinful pride by the Law and calming our worried hearts through the Gospel. May our loving Father in Heaven forgive our self-centeredness and teach us to rely on His loving plan for us through Jesus Christ.
Eph 1:13–14
Spiritual Blessings
We know that faith comes from hearing. God’s Word attests to this reality. So, we should desire to hear God’s Word continuously. God’s Word is to the soul as air is to the body. We can’t survive without it. St. Paul begins his letter by directing the Ephesians and us away from ourselves, teaching us to trust in God’s promises in Christ. Pride tempts us to trust in our commitment to God; doubt makes us worry that we are not committed enough. Jesus blesses us spiritually by leading us to repent of sinful pride by the Law and calming our worried hearts through the Gospel. May our loving Father in Heaven forgive our self-centeredness and teach us to rely on His loving plan for us through Jesus Christ.
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