Just like Water

The voice of the LORD is over the waters; the God of glory thunders, the LORD, over many waters.
PSALM 29:3
Just like Water
Waters is a designation for us, the people (Revelation 17:15: "the waters that you saw are peoples") principally because of our fleeting and transitory life, 2 Samuel 14:14: "We all die, and like water we dissolve into the ground"; second, because we are inconstant and unstable like water, not like a rock or anything solid; third, because of the tumults of disturbances, that is, the inner drives of our desires and cravings, of which also the poets are aware. But to those who do not resist, the voice of the Lord and the Gospel remain forever upon the waters as the rays of the sun shine steadily upon the turbulent water.

From First Lectures on the Psalms, on Psalm 29 (Luther's Works 10:133)
April 8
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