We Are In His House

3 Therefore, holy brothers, you who share in a heavenly calling, consider Jesus, the apostle and high priest of our confession, 2 who was faithful to him who appointed him, just as Moses also was faithful in all God’s house. 3 For Jesus has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses—as much more glory as the builder of a house has more honor than the house itself. 4 (For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.) 5 Now Moses was faithful in all God’s house as a servant, to testify to the things that were to be spoken later, 6 but Christ is faithful over God’s house as a son. And we are his house, if indeed we hold fast our confidence and our boasting in our hope.
Hebrews 3:1–6

We Are In His House

You have a high priest that is above every other high priest. He is faithful to the will and work of his Father. Moses was counted faithful and Moses had glory, but Jesus has more glory. This is the Jesus who has built the house. This is the author and perfecter of your faith. This is the servant of God that served as a Son so that you could be brought into the house as a son, too. This same Jesus puts the merits and the benefits of his cross on you in your baptism. He rescues you from the hand of the evil one and brings you into the house of God. So, let us boast in Jesus and his work on the cross and rejoice that we were named children of God.
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