A Guest at the Table

Abraham went with [the men] to set them on their way.
GENESIS 18:16-17
A Guest at the Table
We have heard a most delightful account. Angels were sent to Abraham, and the promise was made to him anew—without any roundabout or indirect talk—that he would have a son from his wife Sarah. Abraham received them generously, and Sarah, too, was brought to faith, with the result that she believed that she would become a mother. To the description of God's inexpressible friendliness toward Abraham there is now added a greater indication of God's kindness, in order that we may learn how pleasing a service and sacrifice to God it is to hear the Word and to receive it with reverence. For, as we see in this passage, God draws near to such people not as a Judge and Lord but as a Friend and Guest at table. But the sad and horrible account which follows shows God's attitude toward those who despise the Word.
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