Expecting Perfection

We who are strong have an obligation to bear with the failings of the weak, and not to please ourselves.
Expecting Perfection
No one will be patient with the faults of the other, but each demands that the other be perfect. They think only of each other's [faults], and try this or that way to have more peace and rest than the other, on top of dislike [for each other]. Whoever can dismisses his neighbor and pushes him away, and then covers himself [with the excuse] that he did it because of love for righteousness, that he did not want to have wicked persons around him, but only the godly and good people like himself. This evil holds sway chiefly in those who are something special in comparison to others, who lead respectable lives and are more favored than others. These puff themselves up and put on airs. Whatever is not like them must stink; they condemn it, despise it, for they alone are the pretty kitten in the house.

From the Church Postil, sermon for Advent 2 on Romans 15:4-13 (Luther's Works 75:68-69)
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