The Bread of Life

"The bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world."
JOHN 6:33
The Bread of Life
Thus the Lord declared above: "He who believes in Me has eternal life" and: "I am the bread of life." These words greatly offended the Jews. It annoyed them to think that this Man should have the power to save, to bestow eternal life, and also to deliver us from death, sin, and all evil. After all, He did not give that appearance. He was a poor man, the son of a poor carpenter and of a poor mother, devoid of all power. Therefore it sounded unreasonable to hear Him say: "He who believes in Me will have eternal life." But I have told you that whoever would remain a Christian and be saved must not follow his eyes or judge by appearances, confer with reason, or employ his other senses in this matter; he must hear solely what is preached to him and must turn his ear to the lips of this Man. Whoever fails to do this, but surrenders and forsakes God's Word, is lost. Christ swears an oath attesting this: "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has eternal life. This is the only way to eternal life and the only redemption from sin, death, and devil, namely, your faith in Me; for I am the Way and the Life (John 14:6). If you can obtain this bread and permit Me to feed you, that is, if you believe in Me, then you are healthy. Then sin, death, and hell cannot harm you, and you are rid of all your enemies."

From Sermons on the Gospel of John, Chapters h 8 (Luther's Works 23:109-10)
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