The Purpose of Baptism

We walk by faith, not by sight.
The Purpose of Baptism
What is the purpose of Baptism? "So that we might become heirs of eternal life" [Titus 3:7]. Not so that we might possess the sort of treasure that greedy people [would like], but an eternal treasure that shall be yours eternally. . . This [Baptism] takes place to make you a son or daughter, an heir of eternal life, certain that you will not die forever. Therefore, be grateful to God, thank and praise Him, because you have a Savior who is and always will be kind and loving toward humanity; His kindness and love for humanity endure to the end of the world. If you fall, repent; even if everything turns out badly, you will [still] be an heir of eternal life. [We possess this] not by sight, but in hope [see Romans 8:24; 2 Corinthians 5:7]. We possess this inheritance, but only in hope, and therefore we live [in hope], that He will at last come and free us. "This is certainly true" [Titus 3:8]. To this, let everyone say, "Amen!"

From Sermon for the First Sunday after Epiphany (Luther's Works 58:396)
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