Forsake All Sin

"Come out of her, My people, lest you take part in her sins."
Forsake All Sin
This command about censuring sins concerns not only the teachers in the church and the officers in the state but also every citizen and every member of a household. Joseph reported his brothers' sins to his father and accused his brothers (Genesis 37:2). Thus citizens should not disregard the sins of others among themselves, and in the church a brother should reprove a brother in accordance with Christ's command, lest he have a part in the sins of others. And in the state it is not rare to find examples which show that ruin and terrible disasters of the people have followed whenever the government has either supported or defended manifest sins. Then, of course, one must flee, unless one wants to become a partaker of the sin of others and bring down upon one's own head punishment for the sin of others. Thus we are warned in Revelation 18:4 to depart from Babylon and forsake her . . . unless we want. to perish with it.

From Lectures on Genesis (Luther's Works 3:280)
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