Hold On

The upright are appalled at this, and the innocent stirs himself up against the godless. Yet the righteous holds to his way, and he who has clean hands grows stronger and stronger.
Job 17:8-9
Hold On
In a world which seems to be spinning more and more out of control, we look for a solid foundation on which to stand.  We need something or someone stable to hold on to.  If, as so often happens, we cling to those things of this world we have no hope.  For everything fade and withers.  So what are we to hold on to?  How is it possible that the “righteous holds to his way”? It is only in the Holy Spirit given faith, which grasps and holds on to the promise of salvation through Christ, do we place our trust and confidence.  We hold on because Christ Jesus hold on to us.  Through His Word and Sacraments, we are given strength and stability to withstand the tumultuous world we live in.  Through the waters of Holy Baptism, we are made heir to the kingdom of God.  At the Lord’s altar He gives Himself truly in body and blood, to us in, with, and under the bread and wine for the strengthening of our faith. In His Holy Word we our faith is given and sustained.  It is in this way we are made clean, and our hands grow stronger and stronger.  It is in Christ alone where our strength to hold on is given.  
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