
Remember to extol his work, of which men have sung. All mankind has looked on it; man beholds it from afar.
Job 36:24–25
God’s work is evidenced all around us. From the outer limits of space to the smallest atom, God’s handy work sings out. His Law is written on our hearts, and we are to praise Him for all good things.  Our exultant shouts of joy are to ring out every day for the wondrous gifts we have received. And no greater gift is there that of faith to know Christ as our Savior.  Now in His state of exultation Christ sits at the right hand of the Father as He comes to us in His Word and Sacraments.  And as we live as redeemed children of God we can cry out with the psalmist, “Be exalted, O God, above the heavens! Let your glory be over all the earth!” (Psalm 57:5).  We do not have to “behold it from afar” as Elihu says because God’s power and might have come to us in the simple means of water and Word, bread and wine. Therefore, we sing with angels and archangels and all the company of heaven, “Holy, holy, holy Lord God of power and might: Heaven and earth are full of your glory!”
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