
Behold, God is great, and we know him not; the number of his years is unsearchable. For he draws up the drops of water; they distill his mist in rain, which the skies pour down and drop on mankind abundantly.
Job 36:26–28
If you have ever stood on the beach and gazed out over the horizon or climbed to the top of a mountain and saw for miles in every direction, then you begin to get a glimpse of the vastness of God’s creation. For those fortunate few who have flown beyond our earth’s limits and traveled into space, it becomes even more clear how vast creation is.  Yet all of it is dwarfed by the magnitude of God and His love for us.  Our sin created a chasm so great that we would never cross it in a thousand lifetimes, but with a drop of Christ’s blood, it is instantly traversed.  Christ reconciled us to the Father by His life, death, and resurrection. The unsearchable love pours down us daily and richly in the forgiveness delivered through the Means of Grace. And though we do not completely know God in who He is, for He is great beyond our knowledge, He has revealed to us all that we need to understand our relationship with Him.  The cross reveals the unsearchable vastness of His love. It opens our hearts and mind to the truth of our sin and the sacrifice given to atone for it.  We neither have earned nor deserve God’s love and forgiveness yet in Christ we have it abundantly.  
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