Thunder and Lightning

Can anyone understand the spreading of the clouds, the thunderings of his pavilion? Behold, he scatters his lightning about him and covers the roots of the sea.
Job 36:29–30
Thunder and Lightning
If you have ever been caught in a thunderstorm it can be a frightening thing. The flash of lightning and the crack of thunder send waves of terror down your spine. The randomness of the strikes and the unpredictability of when they will happen cripple us with fear.  We desperately seek refuge, shelter from the storm. But that same storm when viewed from the safety of our living rooms can be a beautiful thing. The lightning dancing across the sky and the distant rumble of thunder pay homage to the majesty of God’s power.  The smell of rain brings hope of new life.  Our relationship with God is often very similar to this.  In our sin, we scramble to find a hiding place from God’s wrath. We fear the thundering of His Word which convicts us. His justice scorches us like lightning. Yet in God’s Gospel, we are sheltered. We few His majesty and know His power as our sins are washed away in a torrential downpour of forgiveness.  Like a lightning rod, the cross stands high and absorbs God’s wrath for us. We rest safe and secure in God’s promise, sheltered in Christ’s righteousness as the storm clouds roll by. And as the sun breaks forth and the rain stops, a new life in us is brought forth. A life lived as a new creation, born again in the Water and the Word.    
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