Justice Served
For behold, I am raising up the Chaldeans, that bitter and hasty nation, who march through the breadth of the earth, to seize dwellings not their own.
Habakkuk 1:6
Justice Served
God is about to execute judgment against Judah through an enemy nation. The Chaldeans, an Aramaic group of tribes who appeared in lower Mesopotamia in the ninth century BC, would be the way in which God would deliver on this promise. They would be the rod of His anger and the instrument of His divine justice. They would do terrible things, so terrible it would be hard for anyone to comprehend them. These are the plans the Lord revealed to His prophet. The Chaldeans would cause blood to run in the streets of Jerusalem. God does not simply look the other way at sin or downplay its severity. Sin separates us from our Father, and it kills. The Law convicts us, and we have no recourse on our own. As the cowering peoples of Judah begged for mercy as the horde of Chaldeans rode over them, the Lord’s wrath sweeps over those who turn from Him. Yet because of Christ, that wrath does not destroy us. Jesus took it in our place and suffered the consequences of our sins, death. So justice is served, and sin is destroyed, and in faith, we kneel before our approaching God but are not destroyed. Instead, we are lifted up, washed clean, and given new life. The blood which flowed was not ours but that of Christ Jesus. And it has saved us.
Habakkuk 1:6
Justice Served
God is about to execute judgment against Judah through an enemy nation. The Chaldeans, an Aramaic group of tribes who appeared in lower Mesopotamia in the ninth century BC, would be the way in which God would deliver on this promise. They would be the rod of His anger and the instrument of His divine justice. They would do terrible things, so terrible it would be hard for anyone to comprehend them. These are the plans the Lord revealed to His prophet. The Chaldeans would cause blood to run in the streets of Jerusalem. God does not simply look the other way at sin or downplay its severity. Sin separates us from our Father, and it kills. The Law convicts us, and we have no recourse on our own. As the cowering peoples of Judah begged for mercy as the horde of Chaldeans rode over them, the Lord’s wrath sweeps over those who turn from Him. Yet because of Christ, that wrath does not destroy us. Jesus took it in our place and suffered the consequences of our sins, death. So justice is served, and sin is destroyed, and in faith, we kneel before our approaching God but are not destroyed. Instead, we are lifted up, washed clean, and given new life. The blood which flowed was not ours but that of Christ Jesus. And it has saved us.
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