The Right Way

Thy loving kindness is before mine eyes: and I have walked in Thy truth.
PSALM 26:3 (KJV)
The Right Way
On this David's heart relies and says: "I am on the right way. The divine Word has brought me onto the right path. I have nothing before my eyes except Thy kindness." . . . But we cannot do this unless we pray daily and say: "O God, help arrange my life properly. I am not pure or without sin. But I have begun to go the right way, even though I am still mangy and sordid and many sins and infirmities are still upon me." "In Thy truth," in God's truth. Truth is what is right, what is not false, what does not have a glitter or shine, but is right before God. Thus a man in faith walks before God and therefore goes on the way of love in serving his neighbor. That is the right way: inwardly, before God, one has the right faith in His Word; outwardly, one is on the path and walks on it and lives according to faith.

From Commentary on Psalm 26 (Luther's Works 12:191)
March 31
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