Cling and Be Content

No unbelief made [Abraham] waver concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God.
Romans 4:20
Cling and Be Content
It is necessary to 'know that not all [apparitions] are to be believed, but only if they are of the analogy of faith (Romans 12:6). I shall cling to the Word of God and be content with that. By it I shall die, and by it I shall live. . . For if God sent an angel to say: "Do not believe these promises!"  I would reject him, saying:  "Depart from me, Satan, etc." (see Matthew 16:23). Or, if God Himself appeared to me in His majesty and said: "You are not worthy of  My grace; 1 will change My plan and not keep My promise to you,” I would not have to yield to Him,, but it would be necessary to fight most vehemently against God Himself. It is as Job says: "Though lie slay me, yet will I hope in Him" (see  Job 13:15)….Therefore I want to see and hear nothing else, but I shall live and die in this faith, whether God or an angel or the devil says the contrary.

From Lectures on Genesis (Luther's Works 6:131)

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