Greatest of All

There were born to him seven sons and three daughters. He possessed 7,000 sheep, 3,000 camels, 500 yoke of oxen, and 500 female donkeys, and very many servants, so that this man was the greatest of all the people of the east.
Job 1:2-3
Greatest of All
Job is by all accounts a wealthy man.  The number of animals he possesses indicates someone who would have had many servants and vast resources to maintain his herds.  Not only is Job blessed with material wealth he also has the blessing of children. To the modern world Job would seem to have it all, wealth, family, good health, respect in his community, yet all these, as Job will find out, are fleeting.  The external markers of wealth, while splendid and a gift from God, pale in comparison to the internal riches of faith, forgiveness, and salvation. We do well to remember our material blessings grow old and fade, often losing their value, but the blessings won for us on the cross by Jesus never fade or grow old. 
Your identity in Christ, makes you wealthy beyond compare.  When you are rich in faith, God’s love and forgiveness sustains you, even when the material blessings collapse and fall away. Because of the sacrificial love shown to you on the cross, by the greatest of all, Jesus, you have the treasure of forgiveness, life, and salvation.  Treasures which don’t rust and fade, and no thief can steal or destroy, are given freely by our loving God. Through Word and Sacrament, the greatest treasures Christ gives you are yours in faith.
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