Concerning Knowledge and Power

"Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord."
Concerning Knowledge and Power
Concerning this knowledge and its power the prophets have spoken gloriously and clearly prophesied, as in Isaiah 53:11, "By knowledge of Him shall He (My Servant, the Righteous One) make many just or righteous." This means: "He will redeem them from sins and snatch them from the devil's jaws solely through this: that they know Him and who He is." Likewise, Jeremiah 9:23-24 says: "Let no one boast of his wisdom nor of his might nor of his riches"—in short, let no one boast at all—"but if anyone wants to boast, let him boast in this, that he knows Me and knows who I am: the Lord, who does good and establishes righteousness and justice on earth."

From Sermons on the Gospel of John, Chapters 17-20 (Luther's Works 69:35-36)
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